Police Offer Citizens a 10-Week Course March 20, 2014Citizen police academy offers behind-the-scenes look at local law enforcement Read More1 min read
The Man Behind the Badge: Sheriff Scott Jackson November 21, 2013Get to know Sheriff Jackson and his plans for Benton County? Read More3 mins read
Linn Sheriff Mueller, and Just What Is Posse Comitatus?: The False Dichotomy of Gun Control February 28, 2013The ongoing gun control debate in this country sometimes seems like a cross between an episode of The...4 mins read
Gun Control in Oregon: There Really Isn’t Much January 31, 2013In Oregon, there are few laws or licenses that might be considered “gun control.” No permits are required...2 mins read
New Benton County Jail? Sheriff Simpson Argues “For The Humanity Of It” March 29, 2012In 2013, Benton County voters will likely be asked to approve a bond measure to build a new jail. If history is any indicator, correction officials face an uphill battle for voter approval. Read More4 mins read