It may not be official, but with Labor Day in the rear view mirror and students about to start back at OSU for a new academic year, it is starting to feel like Fall. Summer is set to have at least one more gasp of life, with temperatures set to hit 100 at the end of this week, but even that blast of hot weather can’t stop the autumn vibes from seeping into the heart of the valley. With the upcoming change of season, and the rise in our local population that comes with it, we’re seeing the regular tick up in the events going on around town. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing night under the stars, a new book to read or a chance to help a great local charity, there’s a lot to do for the science and nature enthusiast around Corvallis this week.
Friday: Chintimini Wild Night Out
Chintimini Wildlife Center is one of the Corvallis area’s most active and important wildlife charities, and even by their standards, it has been a busy year. The Center’s staff estimates that they have handled about 25% more wildlife rehabilitation patients this year than last. You can help them meet this increased demand by joining them at their biggest fundraiser of the year, Wild Night Out, this Friday night.
The event will include a live and silent auction, with items like a cooler/backpack, paintings of birds and bobcats, a stay at a cabin in Sisters, and a full theater rental for you and friends at Movie Madness in Portland. (See all auction items here.) The tickets are $85, with all proceeds going to the Center’s mission to care for and release wildlife here in our area.
Wild Night Out runs from 6-9 pm this Friday, September 6, at the OSU Alumni Center. For tickets (only on sale until Friday at noon) and other details, click here.
Friday: Greenbelt Stargazing Party
Wild Night Out isn’t the only option for science-related fun this Friday night. The Greenbelt Land Trust and Heart of the Valley Astronomers are hosting a stargazing party at Greenbelt’s Bald Hill Farm restoration site. There will be telescopes and experts on hand to help you learn your planets, stars and other visible objects in the summer night sky. A bilingual Spanish/English speaking member of the Astronomers will also be on hand. The event is free for all and recommended for anyone 6 and up, but registration is required so that the organizers can plan appropriately. Exact directions to the site will be provided after registration.
The party gets started this Friday night, September 6, at 7:30 pm and runs until 10. Click here to register.
Saturday: Kids’ Ocean Book Launch
For those of us lucky enough to live so close to it, the ocean is not just a relief from summer heat and a paradise of recreational opportunities. It’s also one of the greatest classrooms a kid could ever want. This Saturday, local writer and illustrator Katherine Roy will be launching her newest science-based book for kids right here in Corvallis. “Sea Without a Shore: Life in the Sargasso” is a book for kids aged 4-8. Written by Barb Rosenstock and illustrated by Roy, it tells the story of one strand of kelp and the countless creatures that live and depend on it.
The launch party is co-sponsored by Grass Roots Books and Music, and runs from 10:30-11:30 am this Saturday, September 7, at the Main Meeting Room of the Corvallis Library. Click here for more details.
Tuesday: Fruit Tree Care Webinar
One of the joys of living in western Oregon is the long fruit tree season. With berry season coming to an end, and apple season almost upon us, it’s a great time to learn about caring for fruit trees. Next Tuesday, OSU Extension Service Master Gardeners are hosting a webinar called “Fruit Fight: Dormant Season Fruit Tree Care”. Whether you already have a fruit tree or are thinking about putting one in, learn how care during the cold months sets you up for a healthy and productive harvest next year. The webinar is hosted by Cody Copp, an extension service horticulturalist in Umatilla County. It runs from noon to 1 pm next Tuesday, September 10. Click here for more information and free registration.
Wednesday: Grand Canyon Book Event
Right on time for back to school season, it’s a packed week for science and nature book events in Corvallis. Next Wednesday, the Corvallis Library’s Random Review series continues, with “Brave the Wild River: The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped the Botany of the Grand Canyon” by science journalist Melissa L. Sevigny. Random Review is a lecture series that pairs a new or recent book with a local expert to review and discuss it. “Brave the Wild River” will be presented by Barb Lachenbruch, OSU Professor Emeritus in Forest Ecosystems and Society.
The talk is scheduled for noon to 1 pm next Wednesday, September 11, at the Corvallis Library’s Main Meeting Room. Click here for more details.
By Ian Rose
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