Corvallis Parent: Where Kids Can Volunteer, Three Upcoming Prenatal Classes

With Thanksgiving upcoming, thoughts naturally meander to all we’re grateful for, and for our family, this community we all share is a chart-topper. We have plentiful parks, great schools, and according to some kids, really great options for a quick dessert between errands – and the list could go on.  

Of course, we also want to give back, and for our family that means volunteering together at Heartland Humane Society each week. Actually, we could be volunteering just about anywhere, and it would be great, it just so happens that we’re a family that’s deeply fond of folks that are furry. 

The kids take their work at the shelter seriously, they know which cat or dog prefers what. 

Before volunteering, there was an orientation – and they took what they learned to heart. But, there’s more going on than all of that: they sense they’re doing something that’s important, that makes a difference, and that they’re contributing – and they’re having a good time doing it.  

There’s been a few times that they didn’t want to go, and they’ve learned we just go anyhow, and they’re always happy that we did. They really love it when a pet gets adopted, it’s like they’re sharing in the victory.  

They’ve gained a work ethic, empathy, and a sense of their own abilities to make a difference – and it’s two hours we have together, sharing those experiences. All of that, and it doesn’t cost anything.   

So, all those benefits sound great, but what if you’re kiddo isn’t as enamored with cats and dogs as we are?  There’s are a few other opportunities as well.  

However, being unabashedly biased, let’s start with Heartland Humane Society. It’s great for kids age 10 and over, and they accept a bit younger on a case-by-case basis. They have an orientation, and are super flexible about hours. Click here to learn more.  

Let’s also look at some other options too… 

Youth Volunteer Corps is a Corvallis Parks and Recreation program for volunteers ages 11 to 18. They also accept requests for new projects and have their own Youth Advisory Board. Also, that all means they do a variety of projects. Click here to learn more.  

Corvallis Police CadetsProgram is for youth age 16 and up. The program is designed for youth that may be interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. Click here to learn more.  

Create your own opportunity if you don’t see something here that feels like a fit. You can setup a lemonade stand with proceeds going to charity, walk with your kids distributing campaign literature, or maybe even have them volunteer at a private business. Schools sometimes have whole family volunteer opportunities too. 

What’s important is that you keep it easy and fun, and pick something that fits easily into to your family’s schedule. If you have to prod every once in awhile, that’s okay, but do really hear it if your kiddo has a continuing desire to possibly move on – it could be an opportunity to try something else.  

Childbirth Classes Start Tuesday, Nov. 7 

This course can be taken at any time, but it’s helpful to finish it a few weeks before baby’s arrival. This 4-week course helps expectant parents prepare for birth and early parenting. Parents can expect to learn about comfort measures for pregnancy, labor, birth, and the postpartum period. The overall goals of the course are to normalize the birth experience and increase parents’ confidence. It’s possible to perceive birth in a positive way, rise to the occasion, and adjust to whatever presents. 

This course includes information about: 

  • Anatomy and physiology. 
  • The mind-body connection. Signs and stages of labor. 
  • Patterns associated with normal and more complicated labor. 
  • Medicated and non-medicated comfort measures. 
  • Baby positioning strategies. 
  • Medical interventions associated with complications. 
  • Strategies for informed decision-making. 
  • Care of the birthing parent and infant during the first hours, days, and weeks postpartum. 
  • Hospital procedures related to infant care. 
  • Breastfeeding. 
  • Behavior of the infant as it relates to feeding, calming, and sleeping. 
  • Car seat safety. 
  • Jaundice, SIDS, ‘purple crying,’ and Post Partum Depression.

Parents will be given information on local resources, books, videos, and websites. 

Classes are at the Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Tuesdays, 6:00-8:15 pm, November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2023. This class can be taken online or in person. Registration is required, and detailed location information will be provided for registration, including a link to the virtual option. 

Cost: $110* per pregnant person (partner included). If you have Oregon Health Plan insurance (IHN or Pacific Source), Your plan will cover this class at no cost to you. Please contact Maternity Coordinator Mary Jackson at 541-768-6908. for details. 

To register contact Pollywog at 541-917-4884 or 

Sibling Class, Starts Nov 12 

Enjoy a video and activities that will help explain to siblings-to-be what their new baby will look like, how to hold and talk to baby, what baby eats, how to be a helper, new feelings, and how to make becoming a sibling fun. 

Each sibling will receive an activity folder and a new sibling certificate. Participants will have the opportunity to tour the labor and delivery unit at the end of class. 

The target audience is families with children ages 3 to 7 who are expecting a new baby. 

This class is on Sunday, November 12, 2023, from 1-2:30 pm at the Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. 

Cost: Free. Registration required 

To register call  Pollywog at 541-917-4884. For questions about the class, contact Mary Jackson at 541-768-6908. They do not appear to offer online registration. 

Prenatal Yoga 

This is a time to move and breathe, build strength and endurance, relax, and release in preparation for the journey of birth. Here, you are surrounded by love and positivity. Please come as you are from where you are. 

This class happens every Thursday 6:00-7:00 pm at Monarch on 4th, 520 NW 4th St, Corvallis. 

Cost: $5. Registration is not required; drop-ins welcome. 

For more information, contact Kat via the contact us form at 

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