Corvallis Calendar: Wednesday Afternoon to Friday Evening

Wednesday, November 8 

Board of Commissioners Meeting w/ the Directors of Public Works; Community Development; and Natural Areas, Parks, and Events. 9 a.m. Attend in Person: Board of Commissioners Office, Kalapuya Holmes & Shipley Public Meeting Rooms, 4500 SW Research Way, Corvallis. Meeting ID: 257 326 374 264; Passcode: gv5pKM . Visit for more info. 

Corvallis Farmers Market. Farmer’s Market, 1st & Monroe, Corvallis. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. The Corvallis Farmers Market happens Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 9am to 1pm, April through November, on First Street in downtown Corvallis. The Farmers Market offers fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy and more, all sourced locally from Benton County and the counties immediately surrounding Benton County. Visit for more info. 

Teal Co-operative Art Gallery. Downtown Corvallis, 328 SW Second Street, Corvallis. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. The Teal Co-operative Art Gallery has a reputation as the place to shop for hand-crafted, unique, made-in-Oregon gifts. Each year their team of dedicated Oregon artists transform an otherwise vacant and lifeless store front into a world of color, light and beauty, open for business during the months of November and December. On display and for sale are some of the finest works in fiber, leather, pottery, jewelry, glass, metal, wood work, mixed media, paper, and soap that the central Willamette Valley has to offer. A portion of the Gallery’s sales is donated to schools and programs in the community. This year the Bessie Coleman Elementary School in Corvallis will be the recipient of the Gallery’s 2023 Charitable Donation. Visit for more info. 

Toddler Storytime. Main Meeting Room, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. 10:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. Free. Toddler storytime occurs every Wednesday from 10:30 – 11:00 AM and is for children 1-3 years old. Storytime is offered year-round as a drop-in program: first come, first served. Space is limited due to the room capacity and to provide a positive, safe environment for all. Children must be accompanied by a grown-up. Many lasting friendships start at Storytime! Visit for more info. 

Philomath Storytime. Philomath Meeting Room, 1050 Applegate St, Philomath. 10:30 p.m. – 11 a.m. Free. Children and families are invited to join our all-ages storytime at the Philomath Community Library. We will share short stories, songs, and rhymes. Visit for more info. 

Squishtivities. Philomath Meeting Room, 1050 Applegate St, Philomath. 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Free. Hands on arts and crafts for ages birth to 5. Visit for more info. 

NaNoWriMo Write-Ins in Monroe. Monroe Community Library, 380 N 5th St., Monroe. 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. Free. November is National Novel Writing Month. Come pen your own novel at the Monroe Community Library.  Bring your preferred writing tools and work on your novel surrounded by other local writers! Visit for more info. 

OBOB Club – Grades 3-5 Division. Main Meeting Room, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. Free. Discuss OBOB books from the Grades 3-5 Division. Enter to win OBOB books as door prizes! Books are available to check out at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library and at most school libraries. November OBOB Club books to be discussed: The Jumbies by Tracey Baptiste, The Midnight Children by Dan Gemeinhart, When You Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller, & Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom by Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams. Visit for more info. 

National Runaway Prevention Month: Skate Park After Dark. Eric Scott McKinley Skate Park, 648 SW 2nd St Suite 120, Corvallis. 4:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Free. November is National Runaway Prevention Month. Help Jackson Street Youth Services (JSYS) assist  youth experiencing and at-risk of homelessness. They be posting educational content to their Facebook and Instagram all month, plus hosting our Skate Park After Dark (SPAD) events at skateparks across the valley. SPADs are open public events focused on connecting with local youth. They will provide free food, hot drinks, winter gear, snacks and resources, plus fun activities. This year they will be at five locations in October and November. All events run 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. except Corvallis, which goes till 8:30 p.m. Show your support by purchasing an #NRPM2023 shirt from the inspiring minds at No Dinx. All the proceeds go directly to our programs. Sizes range S – 4XL. No Dinx will ship to your door, or you can opt for free in-store pickup at their print shop in Albany. Visit for more info. 

Tannahill Weavers. Heritage Hall, 648 Orchard St., Monroe. 6:30 p.m. $25. The Tannahill Weavers are one of Scotland’s premier traditional bands. Their diverse repertoire spans the centuries with fire-driven instrumentals, topical songs, and original ballads and lullabies. Their music demonstrates to old and young alike the rich and varied musical heritage of the Celtic people. These versatile musicians have received worldwide accolades consistently over the years for their exuberant performances and outstanding recording efforts that seemingly can’t get better…yet continue to do just that. The Tannahills have turned their acoustic excitement loose on audiences with an electrifying effect. They have that unique combination of traditional melodies, driving rhythmic accompaniment, and rich vocals that make their performances unforgettable. As the Winnipeg Free Press noted, “The Tannahill Weavers – properly harnessed – could probably power an entire city for a year on the strength of last night’s concert alone. Visit for more info. 

Thursday, November 9           

Civic Beautification and Urban Forestry Department Advisory Committee Meeting. 9 a.m. Attend Virtually: Parks and Recreation Administration Bldg., 1310 SW Avery Park Dr., Corvallis. Visit for more info. 

Teal Co-operative Art Gallery. Downtown Corvallis, 328 SW Second Street, Corvallis. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. The Teal Co-operative Art Gallery has a reputation as the place to shop for hand-crafted, unique, made-in-Oregon gifts. Each year their team of dedicated Oregon artists transform an otherwise vacant and lifeless store front into a world of color, light and beauty, open for business during the months of November and December. On display and for sale are some of the finest works in fiber, leather, pottery, jewelry, glass, metal, wood work, mixed media, paper, and soap that the central Willamette Valley has to offer. A portion of the Gallery’s sales is donated to schools and programs in the community. This year the Bessie Coleman Elementary School in Corvallis will be the recipient of the Gallery’s 2023 Charitable Donation. Visit for more info. 

Preschool Storytime. Corvallis-Benton County Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. 10:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. Free. Preschool storytime is for children 3-5 years old and happens every Thursday from 10:30-11:00 AM. Storytime is offered year-round as a drop-in program: first come, first served. Space is limited due to the room capacity and to provide a positive, safe environment for all. Children must be accompanied by a grown-up. Many lasting friendships start at Storytime! Visit for more info. 

Baby Storytime at the Monroe Community Library. Monroe Children’s Area, 380 N 5th St, Monroe. 10:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. Free. Baby Story Time for birth to 24 months at the Monroe Community Library, 380 N 5th Street in Monroe, OR. Visit for more info. 

Art Exhibition – Forest Field Reports; Creative Collaboration at the H.J. Andrews with special guest David Buckley Borden. George W. Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC), 117, 3100 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis. 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Free. oin us for a discussion with artist David Buckley Borden, the H.J. Andrews designer-in-residence, as he shares his latest environmental-communication collaborations with the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest and the Fuller Initiative for Productive Landscapes. In an image-rich presentation, David will discuss his research-driven creative process and fluid collaborative approach to environmental communication using a series of accessible case studies including the PNW Tree ID project, Forest Fashion (Lookout Edition) and the Unfinished Book Bureau. After the talk, stick around for refreshments in the PFSC Atrium, and conversation and exploration of various artistic pieces by Borden and collaborators. Visit for more info. 

Council Work Session. 4 p.m. Attend Virtually: Madison Avenue Meeting Room, 500 SW Madison Ave., Corvallis. Watch Meeting Live: Visit for more info.\ 

City Council Executive Session. 5:30 p.m. Visit for more info. 

Get Ready for Baby. Main Meeting Room, Corvallis-Benton County Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. 5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. Free. Start Reading Early! Come find out why reading to your baby makes a difference and how to have fun bonding while reading with your baby. Designed for expecting families or families with a new baby. Visit for more info. 

5th Annual Philanthropic Achievement Awards. OSU Alumni Center, 725 SW 26th St., Corvallis. 5:30 p.m. $100+. Join Benton Community Foundation for the 2023 Philanthropic Achievement Awards. This event will be a dinner on Thursday, November 9th. This event showcases the hard work of our talented, generous community, and celebrates the people and organizations that volunteer, donate, and inspire others to create a bright future for families and children. Visit for more info. 

The Ghost Forest: Racists, Radicals, and Real Estate in the California Redwoods. 215 SW 4th St., Corvallis. 6 p.m. King will appear at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 9, at The Book Bin’s downtown store at 215 SW 4th St. in Corvallis. King takes readers well beyond the “redwood wars” of the late 1980s, and journeys into the heart of redwood liquidation that began in the 1850s. The Ghost Forest explores the little-known connections between redwood lumber and the rapid and forceful growth of corporations, industrial infrastructure, and wealth in the West. From the late nineteenth century through World War II, redwood lumber provided a unique and irreplaceable resource whose resistance to rot allowed it undergird nearly all other industries.“No other foundational resource was more versatile, reliable, proximate, and available to fuel the predicted exponential growth of western commerce,” King writes in The Ghost Forest. “Had redwood in 1917 suddenly been removed from industry’s short list of essential resources, the calculous of exploiting and profiting from the region as a whole would have altered dramatically.” Visit for more info. 

Wild Hog In The Woods. Old World Deli, 341 SW 2nd St, Corvallis. 7 p.m. Free. Wild Hog In The Woods will be live at The Old World Deli from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Sandwiches are available at the deli until 11. Visit for more info. 

2023 Champinefu Series: Fire is Life Living in Relation with Indigenous Fire Practices of Western Oregon. Virtual. 7 p.m. Free. Joe Scott (Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians) winner of the 2023 Indigenous Place Keeping Artist (IPKA) Fellowship presents his Fellowship work over the past year connecting indigenous people to the sacred fire resources and practices that have sustained people of this place through the seasonal round since Time Immemorial. Come learn about his work to restore the “high art” of tended landscapes here in Western Oregon through fire. This presentation provides a more detailed investigation into specific indigenous fire practices than the 2021 “Fire Since Time Immemorial” presentation (Fire Since Time Immemorial: An Indigenous Fire Chronology for Western Oregon – YouTube). Pre-registration is required. Anyone pre-registered also will receive a link to the recording following the presentation. Visit for more info. 

Cabaret by Kander and Ebb, book by Joe Masteroff; Directed by Harriet Owen Nixon. The Majestic Theatre, 115 SW 2nd St., Corvallis. 7:30 p.m. $18 – $20. In a Berlin nightclub, as the 1920’s draw to a close, a garish Master of Ceremonies welcomes the audience and assures them they will forget all their troubles at the Cabaret. With the Emcee’s bawdy songs as wry commentary, Cabaret explores the dark, heady, and tumultuous life of Berlin’s natives and expatriates as Germany slowly yields to the emerging Third Reich. Cliff, a young American writer newly arrived in Berlin, is immediately taken with English singer Sally Bowles. Meanwhile, Fräulein Schneider, proprietor of Cliff and Sally’s boarding house, tentatively begins a romance with Herr Schultz, a mild-mannered fruit seller who happens to be Jewish. Musical numbers include “Willkommen,” “Cabaret,” “Don’t Tell Mama” and “Two Ladies.” Rated: PG-13. Content Warning: This production may not be suitable for all audiences. It contains strong sexuality, violence, and pregnancy loss. Additionally, this production utilizes images and language of antisemitism and hate relevant to the time period in which it is set. Visit for more info. 

Friday, November 10 

VETERANS DAY; City & County Offices Closed. All Day. Benton County and Corvallis City Offices will be closed and re-open for regular hours the following Monday. Visit for more info. 

Teal Co-operative Art Gallery. Downtown Corvallis, 328 SW Second Street, Corvallis. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. The Teal Co-operative Art Gallery has a reputation as the place to shop for hand-crafted, unique, made-in-Oregon gifts. Each year their team of dedicated Oregon artists transform an otherwise vacant and lifeless store front into a world of color, light and beauty, open for business during the months of November and December. On display and for sale are some of the finest works in fiber, leather, pottery, jewelry, glass, metal, wood work, mixed media, paper, and soap that the central Willamette Valley has to offer. A portion of the Gallery’s sales is donated to schools and programs in the community. This year the Bessie Coleman Elementary School in Corvallis will be the recipient of the Gallery’s 2023 Charitable Donation. Visit for more info. 

Family Storytime. Main Meeting Room, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. 10:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. Free. Storytime is offered year-round as a drop-in program: first come, first served. Space is limited due to the room capacity and to provide a positive, safe environment for all. Children must be accompanied by a grown-up. Visit for more info. 

Beaverland: An Evening With Author Leila Philip. Whiteside Theatre, 361 SW Madison Ave, Corvallis. 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Free. Join Luckiamute Watershed Council and Marys River Watershed Council for an evening at the Historic Whiteside Theatre with Beaverland author, Leila Philip. Leila will explore the complex relationship between beavers and humans, past, present and future. Audience members will have the opportunity to participate in a Q & A session after the presentation, and Leila will also be available to sign copies of her book. The doors will open at 5 p.m. with Grass Roots Books, a locally owned, independent Corvallis bookstore, selling books at the event. The presentation will run from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., but you’re invited to come early and stay late to mingle with Leila, Watershed Council staff, friends and community members while enjoying popcorn, movie snacks, beer and wine, all available for purchase at the Whiteside Theater concessions. Visit for more info. 

C3 Open Mic Night. Corvallis Community Center, 2601 NW Tyler Avenue, Corvallis. 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Free. Join the Corvallis Community Center on the second Friday of the month for live music. Soak in the sounds of local performers at this series of open mic nights. Both performers and audience members are welcome. Open mic nights are free. 

Sherlock Holmes: The Baker Street Irregulars. Crescent Valley High School, 4444 NW Highland Dr., Corvallis. 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (Entry at 6:30 p.m.) $5 – $15. Sherlock Holmes is missing, and the streets of London are awash with crime. Who will save the day? The Baker Street Irregulars—a gang of street kids hired by Sherlock himself to help solve cases. Now they must band together to prove not only that Sherlock is not dead but also to find the mayor’s missing daughter, untangle a murder mystery from their own past, and face the masked criminal mastermind behind it all—a bandit who just may be the brilliant evil Moriarty, the man who killed Sherlock himself! Can a group of orphans, pickpockets, inventors, and artists rescue the people of London? The game is a foot! Visit for more info. 

Wood Sculpture Artistry Presentation with Yuri Kobayashi. Corvallis Museum, 411 SW 2nd Street, Corvallis. 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. The Mid-Willamette Woodworkers Guild & The Highland Woodshop invite you to a presentation by Yuri Kobayashi, and accomplished furniture maker and sculptor based in Maine. This presentation will give you a glimpse into Yuri Kobayashi’s unique artistic journey. Yuri will showcase her work and introduce the principles behind her approach to woodworking. You’ll delve into the world of organic curves and discover the beauty of bending wood. Visit for more info. 

Cabaret by Kander and Ebb, book by Joe Masteroff; Directed by Harriet Owen Nixon. The Majestic Theatre, 115 SW 2nd St., Corvallis. 7:30 p.m. $18 – $20. In a Berlin nightclub, as the 1920’s draw to a close, a garish Master of Ceremonies welcomes the audience and assures them they will forget all their troubles at the Cabaret. With the Emcee’s bawdy songs as wry commentary, Cabaret explores the dark, heady, and tumultuous life of Berlin’s natives and expatriates as Germany slowly yields to the emerging Third Reich. Cliff, a young American writer newly arrived in Berlin, is immediately taken with English singer Sally Bowles. Meanwhile, Fräulein Schneider, proprietor of Cliff and Sally’s boarding house, tentatively begins a romance with Herr Schultz, a mild-mannered fruit seller who happens to be Jewish. Musical numbers include “Willkommen,” “Cabaret,” “Don’t Tell Mama” and “Two Ladies.” Rated: PG-13. Content Warning: This production may not be suitable for all audiences. It contains strong sexuality, violence, and pregnancy loss. Additionally, this production utilizes images and language of antisemitism and hate relevant to the time period in which it is set. Visit for more info. 

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