Government: City Delays NW Natural Decision, Conducts Review of Low-Income Assistance, County Commissioners Won’t Meet Next Week 

NW Natural Gas Agreement: In a 5-4 split vote, the Corvallis City Council has agreed to table further discussions on the renewal of the Northwest Natural Gas Franchise agreement. 

During their Dec. 19 meeting, council members agreed that both the city and community need additional time and a second reading of the ordinance. During discussions by council, concerns over the blurred lines between what the franchise deal entails and the city’s efforts towards decarbonation was a deciding factor in postponing a vote on the agreement until the verbiage is clearer on the difference between the two topics.  

“Many of the public comments received relate to decarbonization. As the council considers these comments, it’s important to remember the Council supported the previous guidance provided by staff and the City Attorney’s Office to separate decarbonization from the franchise,” said Internal Services Division Manager Kris Kelly.  

Currently, the city receives 5% of gross sales of natural gas within the service area, $600,000 annually in General Fund revenues from the existing franchise. The proposed agreement that went before the council increases the franchise fee to 5.75% resulting in an anticipated increase of $90,000 annually.  

“In regard to the Northwest Natural Gas agreement, staff began monitoring legislative action happening in other communities and states to identify what might shape negotiations for Corvallis agreement,” said Kelly. “The desire to incorporate changes exists with relating to the expansion of the natural gas system.”  

Some of those changes include carbon reduction agreements, and investments in renewable energy. The city has been working with the Climate Action Advisory Board (CAAB) Work Plan Goal to consider how to reduce carbon emissions associated with energy usage, and to keep it separate from the NW Natural Gas franchise. 

“The city’s invitation for comment separated these two issues and directed all comments regarding decarbonization to the CAAB for what is intended as a separate, stand-alone, evaluation of providers. Despite this separation, decarbonization comments came through for the NW Natural Gas franchise and are included for transparency. They are also being provided to the CAAB in support of their work efforts,” said Kelly.  

The council is slated to bring it back on the agenda at its next meeting on Jan. 3.  

Low Income Assistance Review: The City of Corvallis is reviewing its Low-Income Assistance Program. At their meeting on Monday the council discussed how to expand this program in the future.  

The Low‐Income Assistance Program was established in Jan. 2021. It currently provides up to a $25.00 credit monthly for single‐ dwelling residential customers who pay the City Services bill and participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Oregon Health Plan (OHP), or school free lunch program.  

In 2022, of the $62,125 collected to date, $38,070 has been distributed amongst 167 accounts. The balance of undistributed funds is $55,063, according to City Finance Director Ryan Seidl.  

Holiday Closure Update: The Benton Country Board of Commissioners Dec. 27, Board Meeting has been cancelled. Also, all Benton County offices will be closed on Monday, Dec. 26, in observance of the Christmas holiday. The Sheriff’s Office will continue with patrols during the closure. 

By: Jennifer Williams 

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