Universities have always stood out as tough institutions to lead, and in pandemic times, tougher still. Then, last year, Oregon State University was rocked by scandal surrounding former president F. King Alexander.
Now, Interim President Becky Johnson has agreed to hold down the fort while a new permanent president is found, and there is a new Chair for the Board of Trustees, Kurt Schueler. The two have agreed to field questions from the public at our next CitySpeak town hall.
Starting at 6:30 p.m., the forum is a unique opportunity for Corvallis community members to ask questions on any range of topics having to do with the university – students are, of course, welcomed to join the conversation.
Moderators Steven J. Schultz and Emilie Ratcliff are not affiliated with OSU, though Ratcliff is a graduate.
How to Access CitySpeak Forums
Watch the conversation live on The Advocate’s website or Facebook page. Generous time has been allotted for questions from the public.
If you can’t watch live, the video will be available on The Advocate’s website and social media pages after the event.
How to Submit Your Questions
Viewers can submit questions before and during the forum by email or on social media.
You can email cityspeak@corvallisadvocate.com, direct message us on social media, or post your question as a comment on one of the social media posts of the event. During the event, you can still email or message us on social media, and you can also submit your question on the Facebook posting of the live event.
CitySpeak forums are free to the public, and are co-presented by City Club of Corvallis and The Corvallis Advocate. Sponsors include Peak Sports and First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op.
Do you have a story for The Advocate? Email editor@corvallisadvocate.com