Corvallis police will soon see their own changing of the guard as Chief Nick Hurley retires at the end of the year, and Captain Jason Harvey assumes the top spot at the department. The move comes amid city budget issues, ambitious justice system infrastructure spending by the county, and a nationwide reexamination of policing in general.
At our next CitySpeak town hall, both Chief Hurley and Captain Harvey will outline their views of the department and discuss challenges and opportunities going into the next year. Most importantly, both will field audience questions.
Corvallis Advocate Assistant Editor Emilie Ratcliff and City Club of Corvallis President Steve Schultz will moderate the forum.
Slated for Tuesday, November 15
Starting at 6:30 p.m., this forum is a unique opportunity for audience members to ask questions of our top local law enforcement officials. Of course, you’re also welcome to just listen to the conversation. And as always, generous time is allotted for the public Q&A portion of the evening.
How to Access CitySpeak Forums
Live on The Advocate’s website or YouTube or Facebook page, and other social media. If you can’t make the live event, the video will be available on The Advocate’s website and social media pages.
How to Get a Question Submitted
Viewers can submit questions before and during the forum. You can email, message us on social media, or just post your question on one of the social media posts of the event.
CitySpeak forums are free to the public, and are co-presented by City Club of Corvallis and The Corvallis Advocate. Sponsors include Peak Sports and First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op.
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