Corvallis Arts Walk, Oct 18

Image courtesy of Robert Don.

Tis’ the time for ghosts, ghouls, fright… and art! October’s CAW is jam-packed with shows and exhibits you won’t want to miss. CEI Gallery kicks off the evening with exhibit “Doughnut Power,” a photography, installation, and performance show featuring artist Robert Don’s family photographs, accompanied by a reception with music from acoustic blues and folk band Mule on Fire.

Slip into the surreal landscape that is “Sidebottom,” a painting, sculpture, and installation exhibit with plenty of nooks and crannies to explore at OSU Woodshop Projects by artists Shawn Creeden and Corvallis Advocate Associate Editor Johnny Beaver. Creeden and Beaver evoke an otherworldly experience where viewers are treated to a fishing-meets-muppets theme. According to the CAW website, “Sidebottom” is about “influence and outcome learning to coexist.” The show will be accompanied by a reception and sound performance.

Upstairs in the Fairbanks Gallery will be “Paraphrase the Invisible,” sculptural installations by Erin Meyer’s aiming “to promote a new conception of the disabled body.” 


“Photographs collected by Christopher Rauschenberg” at The Arts Center will exhibit photographs from nationally-acclaimed photographer Christopher Rauschenberg, who has been represented by the Elizabeth Leach Gallery in Portland since 1985 and has been practicing photography since the 70’s. Another show at The Art’s Center, “Salon,” by Johnny Beaver, is aimed at generating visibility for the artists featured, who have historically been excluded from professional galleries. Artists Kurt Fisk, Kris Askew, and Patrick Hackleman will be among those featured. 

At the Jeff Hess Studio, Jen G. Pywell uses paper to explore how objects shape our realities in her exhibit “Sharp Objects.” The show is immersed in the topic of mental health. Another surreal exhibit comes from Rhizosphere Studios, called “Ikiry Flight Delay,” featuring music by KiLoSo and reflective multimedia including glitch art. To get even more surreal this season, Studio 204 will be presenting “Return from Another Dimension,” the description of which remains a mystery. 

Stop by the Hold Studio as they celebrate their first year anniversary with discounts, refreshments, live music, and a chance to win a personalized drawing by Holly Campbell. 

The CAW generally runs from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. but not all venues follow this. For additional details, descriptions and info visit 

• The Arts Center, 700 SW Madison Avenue 

• Art in the Valley Gallery, 209 SW Second St. 

• Autzen House Gallery, 811 SW Jefferson Ave. 

• CEI ArtWorks Gallery, 408 SW Monroe St. 

• Cyrano’s Bookbinding, 361 SW Second and Adams 

• OSU Fairbanks Gallery of Art, 220 SW 26th St.

• Fred Amos Art Studio, 340 SW Second St. Suite #12

• The Hold Studio, 425 SW Fourth St., Suite E-2

• Jagged Touch Studio, 340 SW Second St., Studio #11

• Jeff Hess Studio, 460 SW Madison Ave., Suite #16

• Joan Truckenbrod Gallery, 517 SW Second St. 

• Karen Wysopal Studio, 230 SW Third St., Suite #310

• The Majestic Theater, 115 SW Second St.

• OSU Woodshop Projects, 220 SW 6th St. (Fairbanks Basement) 

• Peak Sports, 207 NW Second St. 

• Pegasus Gallery, 341 SW Second St. 

• Plant Posse/Brittney West Studio, 340 SW Second St. Suite #3

• Pops Art Studio, 425 SW Madison Ave.

• Reynolds Gallery @ Reynolds Law Firm, 225 SW SW Fourth St. 

• Rhizosphere Studios, 230 SW Third St

• Studio 204, Crees Building, 230 SW Third St. #204

• Studio Beatrice, 230 NW Sixth St., 

• Voices Gallery, 301 SW Fourth St., Suite #160


By Josephine Wallace

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