Time to Walk the Corvallis Arts Walk

By Gary Weaver

CAWThe Corvallis Arts Walk will celebrate a new year on Jan. 15 with this monthly third Thursday event partnering local artists with homegrown businesses.

January’s participants include a beaded snowflake demo at Kaleidoscope Studio, with water-themed art exhibits at Art in the Valley and Pegasus Gallery. Other participants include the Arts Center, CORVIDOPOLIS, Studio262, the Majestic Theatre, Brittney West Studio, Azure Fine Art Gallery, and Cyrano’s.

January’s dining partners are Old World Deli (341 SW 2nd Street) and Cloud & Kelly’s Pubic House (126 SW 1st Street).

At the Corvallis Advocate loft, the artwork of Johnny Beaver will be featured. Beaver is the president of the Temporary Artists’ Guild and will be showing seldom-seen work, both old and brand new, with some pieces for sale.

Beaver has been painting for about 10 years now and his unique artistic style borrows from Expressionism, Neo-Expressionism, and Fauvism. He works with a mixture of acrylic, ink, and oil and much of his art deals with human experience, mental illness, and the individual’s place in the world.

Galleries for the Corvallis Arts Walk will be open from 4 to 8 p.m. Keep your eyes glued to www.facebook.com/CorvallisArtsWalk or www.corvallisartswalk.blogspot.com for further details. To learn more about Johnny Beaver’s art, visit www.facebook.com/johnnybeaverart.

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