By Kirsten Allen
Republicans saw a large gain in Congress during November’s elections, which resulted in the party regaining control of the Senate and capturing its largest House majority since 1946. However, in Oregon Democrats retained governorship, added to their control in the House and gained a supermajority in the Senate.
City Club will be returning Monday, Jan. 12 with guest speaker Bill Lunch, a noted veteran political science observer, political analyst for OPB, and Oregon State Professor Emeritus of Political Science. Lunch will discuss politics today, particularly health care, environmental policies, and the federal budget, and examine how the president’s new immigrations policies will stand up to opposition in Congress.
The meeting is open to the public. City Club meets in the Les Schwab Gym at the Boys & Girls Club, 1112 NW Circle Boulevard. The meeting begins at noon, and doors open at 11:30 a.m. As always, attendance is free. Lunch is $10 for members, $12 for non-members. Registration is necessary only if you are having lunch. Send email to, with “City Club January 12” in the subject line, by Jan. 9.
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