Cinco De Mayo!

cinco-de-mayoCinco de Mayo is right around the corner, so dust off those tri-colored sombreros wedged in the top of your junk closet and get ready to polish off some Patrón. Not actually a well-known celebration in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo remains a go-to party-down date here in the States. While falling on a Tuesday can kill this kind of third-tier holiday, the Advocate has you covered so you can ¡Viva México! and remember the Battle of Puebla (just forget to remember the Alamo that day). To warm up, the largest party in Oregon continues to be Portland’s Waterfront Park Cinco de Mayo Fiesta, which has been billed as the “largest multicultural celebration in Oregon.” That event runs on Saturday, May 2, Sunday, May 3, and Tuesday, May 5—because nobody from any culture is allowed to have fun on Mondays. You will need that crusty, crumpled sombrero to help out with the World Record attempt of the “Largest Gathering of People Wearing Sombreros” in the Waterfront Park on Saturday at 5:30 p.m. To the east, you can RUN BND at downtown Bend’s Cinco de Mayo 5K/10K, or hash it with the help of “Tranquilo Mexican Ale.”

Closer to home, have a free hot dog and get inked with $50 “candy skulls and roses” at Mafia Tattoo’s Cinco de Mayo celebration at 1335 NW 9th Street. Next, you can come alive on five-five with Civil War baseball at Goss Stadium, starting at 6 p.m. Or, $20 at the door will get you in to see the Corvallis Folklore Society’s 7:30 p.m. presentation of folk music singer David Roth at the First Congregational UCC Church out on West Hills Road. Afterwards, join hundreds of your Facebook friends on Monroe, ‘cause Hornitos Tequila is rolling into Impulse to celebrate their annual Cinco de Mayo party and giveaways, which coincides with Taco Tuesday this year.

By Paul Henry

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