New in this week’s Corvallis Advocate…
Artist Profile — Ben Leshchinsky is an artist at the intersection of art and science by Alicia James
As the State Turns
This week: Politics on Ice, Swastikas in Eugene, 5-hour ENERGY Tuckers Out, Hunting Crime by Johnny Beaver
Local News
Washington Park Out, Good Samaritan In by Patrick Fancher
Money, Money, Money: Grants available for Art, Culture and Heritage Projects by Dave DeLuca
Darkside’s Funding Gambit Pays Off: Paul Turner Finds Success in the Crowd by Patrick Fancher
News from OSU
OSU Starts Reinventing Science and Math Education by Jamie Fuller
NASA, OSU Take to Ocean and Sky for SABOR Campaign by Anthony Harris
On Tap… Music, Film and More
This week in Corvallis’ entertainment scene
Lloyd Kahn, Tiny Homes on the Move: Guru of Portable Living Comes Through Town by Jennifer Smith
The Oregon Jamboree by Jamie Fuller
Comic — The Quiet Man on the Bus by Jack Compere
Opinion — Hard Truths by Sidney Reilly
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