New in this week’s Corvallis Advocate…
The Recycled Closet by Alexandra Schaefers
As The State Turns
Slick Oil, Oregon VA Sucks, Too, Pew Snubs Me, Insert Pizza Joke by Johnny Beaver
OSU News
Deep Sea at Great Risk? by Anthony Harris
Local News
Police and Businesses React to Murky Homeless Plan by Bethany Carlson and Dave DeLuca
Local Events
8 Days a Week: The Advocate’s Top Picks in Corvallis’ Entertainment Scene
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Event Slated by Jaime Fuller
Day of The Shred: Skateboarding Competition Open to All Comers by Dave DeLuca
Unsure About Voting for a New Jail? by Bethany Carlson
Go to Jail, Get a Cookie: Citizen Academy Apps Due by Aug. 15 by Dave DeLuca
Updated Calendar for 8/7 through 8/14
Local Arts
Imagination Music and Arts Festival by Jamie Fuller
Comic – Mohawk Toohey by Jack Compere
Please Do This: In Loving Memory of Nigel Weber by Celia Funk
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