In this week’s Corvallis Advocate…
Homeless Shelter Reboots Plans, Opens to Press by Dave DeLuca
As the State Turns
Lawsuits and Lawyers, Cultural Destruction, and PDX Oddities by Johnny Beaver
OSU News
Oregon State University Has Pride by Chelsey Mick
OSU Collaborates with Chinese Bird Experts by Kyra Young
A Sunday Afternoon with Three Psychics by Alan Sproles
Molecular Movies by Kirsten Allen
Changing of the Guard by Dave DeLuca
Bicycle Birding by Alexandra Schaefers (Photos by Lisa Millbank)
Local Events
Squirrel’s Tavern Turns 40 by Patrick Fancher
8 Days a Week: The Advocate’s Top Picks in Corvallis’ Entertainment Scene
Review: Calvary by Ygal Kaufman
Calendar for Aug. 28 – Sept. 4
Corvallis Vanities: I’d Walk a Klick for a Camo by Jack Compere
Hard Truths by Sidney Reilly
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