New in this week’s Corvallis Advocate…
Cat Trap Fever: Stephanie Kew brings humanity to feral colonies by Alexandra Schaefers
The Boss Wants You to Drive Less by Dave DeLuca
As the State Turns
Puny Putin, End to Donut Terror, Treasurer Fail, Willamette Swimming, and Yawns by Johnny Beaver
Local News
What’s That New Building by Sky High? by Jaime Fuller
OSU News
Beavs Score Cheesy Success by Patrick Fancher
ChickTech Coming to OSU by Anthony Harris
Robotics Kerfuffle at OSU by Jennifer Smith
OSU Pharmacy and Health Centers Partner Up by Anthony Harris
Local Events
8 Days a Week: The Advocate’s Top Picks in Corvallis’ Entertainment Scene
Updated Calendar for 8/14 through 8/21
Local Arts
Badass Bones Taxidermy and Painted Skulls by Jaime Fuller
Mr. Ridgeley Goes to the Darkside by Jack Compere
Corvallis Journal: Inspirational Word of a Masochist by Johnny Beaver
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