Candidates to Talk Health Care

By Alicia James

MedicalIf you, like many other Americans, are less than impressed with how elected officials handled the Affordable Care Act and the Oregon Health Plan, come to the Corvallis-Benton County Library on Monday, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. The library is hosting “The Future of Health Care” forum, a chance to talk to Oregon House of Representatives candidates from Benton and Polk counties.

Sponsored by Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates, this free session will allow voters to take candidates to task regarding their views on improving our byzantine health care system and making communities safer. While it will probably include the usual vote-winning platitudes about children and the elderly, Benton and Polk County citizens should attend and make their voices heard.

The daily realities of ACA and OHP are vastly different than the sunshine blown up our collective tuckus when universal health care was first pitched. It’s better than nothing, but our representatives need to try harder. “The Future of Health Care” forum is one way to make sure we’re choosing the right people for the job.

The candidate roster includes Wanda Davis (District 23), Mike Nearman (District 23), Alex Polikoff (District 23), Dan Rayfield (District 16), and Jacob Vandever (District 16).

Gen Xers and Millennials should take note of the work-friendly start time. There’s no excuse for lack of attendance. Get there, get informed, and vote for someone who can actually represent your interests.

“The Future of Health Care” open forum will be held at Corvallis-Benton County Library, 645 NW Monroe Avenue, on Monday, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. Admission is free. For additional information on the event and Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates, visit

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