Vegetarian Thanksgiving Potluck, Imagine Coffee 5460 SW Philomath Blvd, Corvallis. November 28th 1 – 3 p.m. Enjoy a community meal and meet interesting, like-minded people. Family Friendly.
Bring a dish (dairy and egg free) to enjoy and share. Coffee provided. Bring own utensils.
Limited seating, RSVP to
“Support Walmart Workers” Demonstration. Walmart Supercenter, 1330 Goldfish Farm Rd SE, Albany. November 29th Lunchtime. Join Walmart workers around the country on Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, as they stand up to Walmart and call for an end to retaliation against those who bravely speak out and a real wage of $25,000/yr. Bring a sign. There will be fliers to distribute to Walmart customers. Our presence will be felt by Walmart workers who need our support. FMI:
Civil War Live Feed: Oregon State vs. University of Oregon. Majestic Theatre, 115 SW 2nd St., Corvallis. November 29th 4 p.m. Enjoy the Civil War game live on a large theatre screen while you consume nachos, pretzels and beer provided by Flat Tail Brewery. The proceeds from this event will benefit The Majestic Theatre’s Arts Education Program.
Drink & Draw event! at Cloud & Kelly’s Public House. 126 SW 1st St., Corvallis. December 3rd 8:30 – 11 p.m. Been missing Drink & Draw at the Majestic? That’s because it is now at Cloud & Kelly’s!
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