Picks of the Week!

Terra Madre DayTerra Madre Day, December 1st, 3 – 7 p.m.

Ten Rivers Food Web, Slow Food Corvallis, and the Mary’s River Grange have teamed up to produce a fun, food-focused December event at the Benton County Fairgrounds Auditorium to celebrate Terra Madre and, simultaneously, to celebrate our local food-shed during the holiday season. For more info, visit http://slowfoodcorvallis.org/terre-madre-day-and-local-food-fair/.




9th Annual Celtic Christmas Concert, December 6th, 7 – 9 p.m.

The 9th Annual Celtic Christmas Concert at the LaSells Stewart Center features Jeff Johnson, Brian Dunning and Wendy Goodwin performing Celtic Christmas music. For more info, visit http://oregonstate.edu/lasells/events.




2012 Winter’s Eve Corvallis, November 30th, 5 – 10 p.m.

The Assistance League presents a festive holiday celebration in conjunction with the Corvallis merchants, including shopping, music, beer, wine, fine food sampling and coffee. The event takes place in an elegant heated tent on SW Madison Ave & SW 2nd St, featuring restaurants, a silent auction, specialty food mixes and cards, and an ornament by Jan Roberts-Domingues. $40 in advance, $45 day of the event. For more info, visit http://www.alcorvallis.org/wintersevecorvallis.html.

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