Celebrate National Novel Writing Month with 50,000 Words

Always thought about writing a novel, but never found the time? Well, it’s time. November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, an enterprise tackled last year by more than 250,000 people around the globe. The goal: write 50,000 words in 30 days, starting on Wednesday, Oct. 31 at midnight and ending on Friday, Nov. 30 at midnight. Sign up at  www.nanowrimo.org and receive pep talks from published authors, find local “Write-in” events at coffee shops and bookstores in Corvallis and beyond, and chat with others attempting the crazy objective of writing a novel in 30 days. Last year, writers met locally at Shari’s, Francesco’s, Grass Roots Books & Music, and other locations in town.

At the NaNoWriMo website, you’ll find a forum for every genre, from mystery novels to romance and sci-fi. Participate in “Word Wars” online or at your local Write-ins to try and write the most words in a set amount of time. Or, just write on your own: by hand, on a laptop, at a typewriter, whatever suits you.

It’s motivating; it’s inspiring. Even if you don’t come out with a publishable novel at the end of the month (you won’t), you’ll have gained valuable experience and a tangible rough draft of your very own novel. What better way to spend November?

Visit the Albany-Corvallis regional forum at  http://nanowrimo.org/en/regions/usa-oregon-albany-corvallis to find out about this coming month’s events.

By Jen Matteis



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