How Many Beavers Does It Take to Screw in a Dresser?

By Dave DeLuca

PHOTO FOR TOOL LIBRARYWhen I say campus tools, you might think of undergrads that sit in the front of the classroom and call their professors by the first name. But I’m referring to another kind of campus tool. The kind that students need to put together or repair their desks, entertainment centers, and headboards. Apparently, these kids forgot to pick up a Phillips head when they were at Freddie’s, or don’t even know what a screwdriver is. As a result, something as simple as a broken shelf or drawer makes dorm room furniture suddenly seem disposable. 

“Kids will go to Kmart for a new piece of furniture rather than buy tools,” said Grant Converse, the owner of Corvallis Furniture. 

He runs a unique furniture store devoted to keeping usable items out of the waste stream. They are helping prolong the life of existing furniture, particularly among college students, with their Tool Sharing Library. This loan-a-tool program allows anyone to check out any of a number of common tools like Allen wrenches, ratchet and sockets, screwdrivers, pliers, hammers, tape measures, and levels. Power tools such as sanders and drills are also available. No deposits or credit cards are required, only a $10 membership fee to join the library. Tools are loaned out for two to three days at a time, and come with free advice.

“We’re not just helping them keep their furniture from the dumpster, but giving them a skill they will take with them wherever they go,” Converse added.

For more information on Corvallis Furniture, the loan-a-tool program, or general furniture DIY advice, go to or visit the store at 1810 SW 3rd Street.

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