Civil War Blood Drive 2014

By Kyra Young

Civil-War-Logo_H_Dates_2014_smBlood and football, they kinda go hand in hand, don’t they? The American Red Cross has figured out a way to make that combination more productive. If you like football and have a competitive edge, make sure you get to the 13th annual Civil War Blood Drive. This statewide campaign runs through Nov. 23 and is made possible by Red Cross, Lane Blood Center, and both the Oregon State University and University of Oregon alumni associations. It is important to continue to donate blood through the holidays because it seems to be around the holidays that people injure themselves enough to need blood—you know, those pesky household accidents involving carving pumpkins and turkeys, or simply attacking annoying family relatives.

The event comprises hundreds of blood drives, including five-day drives at both OSU (taking place Nov. 10 to Nov. 14 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Memorial Union Ballroom) and U of O. Plus, one lucky person will win two tickets to the 2014 Civil War Game just for giving up a pint of that ooey-gooey stuff that keeps you alive.

If you are interested in handing over a pint of your life blood for the chance to win a pair of tickets, or just because you’re a nice person and want to help your fellow man, you can visit, call 1-800-REDCROSS to schedule an appointment, or visit

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