By Sidney Reilly
The first Science Pub gathering of 2015 is set for January 12th at the Old World Deli, and the topic of the day is female participation in the scientific community. Science Pub is held on the second Monday of every month at the Old World, and provides an entertaining format for learning something new and discussing it a bit. The new-year edition tackles a weighty and timely subject that is sure to be discussed and investigated extensively over the next decade.
Women comprise just about half of the workforce in the United States, but only about a quarter of the jobs in fields now referred to as STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). In the past these jobs were considered to be nerdy and the stereotype of the out-of-shape bearded male became synonymous with the STEM. In the future these jobs will be more sleekly referred to as the only jobs left. So the goal of increasing female participation in these fields is an important one.
Dr. Sarina Saturn, is a professor in the Psychological Sciences department at OSU, and received her Ph.D. in neuroscience. She’ll lead a talk about her work studying the current state of women in STEM fields and what we can do to create a culture that is more welcoming to the next generation of female scientists.
The talk starts at 6 p.m. and is scheduled to go until 8 p.m. Science Pub is free to the public and sponsored by OMSI and Terra Magazine from Oregon State University. Old World Deli is at 341 2nd St.
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