8 Days a Week

Thursday, 25

WildHog_Thursday25Wild Hog in the Woods, Calapooia Brewing Company, 140 NE Hill St., Albany. 7:30 p.m.

Fifteen-plus year Corvallis stringband veterans Wild Hog in the Woods will be taking Calapooia brewery by storm, and I’m thinking you should be there. If you’re a fan of old-time music of any kind, you’ll thank me later as Corvallis’ finest pluckers fill you with the warmth of yesteryears.


Left in Schechem w/McDougall, Bombs Away Café, 2527 NW Monroe Ave. 9 p.m. $3

You have to admire a guy who can handle himself on a guitar and bits of a drum kit at the same time. After listening to him, you REALLY have to admire McDougall, mainly because he’s the real deal: an incredible lyricist innovating in the oral history/folklore songwriting style. Check him out along with local indie act Left in Shechem. You won’t be disappointed.


Friday, 26

30lbTEST_Friday2630 Pound Test w/ Blood Cobra, Cloud & Kelly’s, 126 SW First St. 10:00 p.m. 21+ $5

30 Pound Test is easily one of the best ‘metal’ bands to come out of the Willamette Valley, and not many would argue that point. Far more sonically complex than you’d imagine, any adjacent ear can expect to be hammered with elements of blues, rock, classical and, dare I say it… country. Having shared the stage with the likes of Serj Tankian and Soulfly, they’ll be doing so this time with Corvallis’ very own awesome, sludgy, thrashy, doomy Blood Cobra.


Human Ottoman w/ Mount Joy, Bombs Away Café, 2527 NW Monroe Ave. 9 p.m. 21+ Free.

What is there to say about Eugene’s Human Ottoman? Basically there’s a cello, a vibraphone, and a drum set… and they join forces to create something brand new and, in my humble opinion, a little bit like “Folk Gypsy Polyrhythmic Asskick.” They’ll be joining Canby’s Mount Joy, which is the very definition of modern indie folk presented beautifully with a heavy dose of vocal harmony.



Saturday, 27

FallFest_Saturday2742nd Annual Corvallis Fall Festival, Central Park, 650 Northwest Monroe Ave. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The King of Corvallis festivals has me playing tug of war. On one hand it has been murderously hot and all I want is rain. On the other, I had a booth last year and the rainstorm wiped out the entire thing. In all honesty, it was awesome regardless. With Christine Hackenbruck at the helm, the festival will undoubtedly shine this time around. Be one of the 30,000+ visitors to experience the great artist vendors, not to mention the food carts and wine / beer / cider / spirits tasting tables.


A Ton Of Great Shows

With some many great bands playing on one night, it seems to make sense to forgo the summary text and just say this: these folks are great, pick one and go.

Ghost Fuzz w/ The Backsliders, Cloud & Kelly’s, 126 SW First St. 10:00 p.m.   


Genders w/ Old Age, Bombs Away Café, 2527 NW Monroe Ave. 10:00 p.m. $5



Coming Up Threes, Squirrel’s Tavern, 100 Second St. 9:30 p.m. 21+ $5 


Sunday, 28

womenoflockerbie_Sunday28Majestic Readers Theatre: The Women of Lockerbie, Majestic Theatre, 115 SW 2nd St. $6-$8

Ah, Reader’s Theatre. It conjures images of a geriatric man in a bath robe, smoking a pipe, and cracking a book, likely about a talking animal of some sort. Well, this is nothing like that; for better or worse, depending on who you are. What you’ll actually find here are talented actors, scripts in hand, bringing a play to life in a way that feels more archaic and pure than you can achieve with excesses of stagecraft and other production elements. Just voice and expression will carry you. It’s an experience everyone should have at least once.


Corvallis Fall Festival Continues, Central Park, 650 Northwest Monroe Ave. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Don’t miss out on the second day! Why? Because when people say “Don’t miss out!” in the newspaper you just do it, okay?


Monday, 29 

Moscow String Quartet w/ Mykola Suk, LaSells Stewart Center, 875 SW 26th St. 7:30 pm

If you keep up with the major players in contemporary classical, the Moscow String Quartet needs no introduction. And certainly neither does pianist Mikola Suk. Both will be gracing the LaSells Stewart Center, which is honestly a little bit like Brad Pitt visiting the Lime Berry in Albany (no offense). If you’re unfamiliar, there are scrolls of review accolades online for both acts longer than Santa’s naughty list, most containing fancy words we’ve never heard of.


Tuesday, 30 

ManGoldenArm_Tuesday30Community Movie Night with Ygal Kaufman, Darkside Cinema, 215 SW 4th St. 7:00 PM FREE ADMISSION

Corvallis’ favorite only weekly free movie screening continues, with the chairman of the board himself, Frank Sinatra, in The Man with Golden Arm (1955). Ol’ Blue Eyes plays a talented drummer whose life is being dragged down by his addiction to heroin. This film is raw and gritty (well, as raw and gritty as films got in the 50s) and was one of the first to deal with drug addiction in a non-cartoony Reefer Madness sort of way. Directed by the legendary Otto Preminger and costarring Kim Novak, it’s a dramatic gem. As always, admission is free, though a small donation is welcomed, and the screening is introduced by Corvallis’ most reputable sufferer of Duane Syndrome, not to mention Advocate associate editor, Ygal Kaufman.


Meet the Authors: Kerry Augustyniak and Jared John Smith, Grass Roots Books & Music, 227 SW 2nd St. 7:00 pm

Local authors will be reading and signing their books, Crooked Paths and Abandoned Borders and The Rabbit, by Kerry Augustyniak and John Jared Smith respectively. The former is a true story that follows a human and a canine as they survive as castaways who seek a pack of their own, while learning to find their place in a wilderness neither asked for. The Rabbit narrates the tale of a folklorist as he drives 4,000 miles, collecting ghost stories, meeting his father for the first time and more – wrapped together in a well-seasoned meta fiction-style.


Wednesday, 1 

PuttinPink_Wednesday1Puttin’ on the Pink: Education Day, LaSells Stewart Center, 875 SW 26th St. All Day

As part of Breast Cancer Awareness month, the Corvallis Clinic Foundation will put on an event for women which includes feature speakers, workshops, informational displays, and a healthy lunch. The goal is to raise breast cancer risk awareness and to provide women with the tools to identify breast cancer early and live a healthy life. Nearly 30 vendors will be attendance, and there are plenty of opportunities to take it one step further and get involved. Visit PuttinOnThePink.com for more information!

Thursday, 2 

ImpPerf_Thursday2Imperfect Perfection: Work by Chia Hui (Tracy) Shen The Arts Center, 700 SW Madison Ave. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Join The Arts Center for this reception event, welcoming a collection of beautiful and stirring charcoal/pastel drawings, as well as acrylic paintings. Shen, a Corvallis mother and artist, created this collection by witnessing her children practice violin and cello. The partially rendered images interject illustration with a gorgeous semi-realist perspective, and then knock you for a loop with what I can only describe as “third party additions.” You’ll have to see her work, trust me. Even if you can’t make the reception, make it up there before the last day (October 25).


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