Thursday, 27
OAC Turkey Trot, Osborn Aquatic Center, 1940 NW Highland Dr. 8 a.m. $12 to $40
Do you like to watch your wee ones run in relatively straight lines amongst small kids in strollers, dogs, walkers, etc.? Perhaps all the while giving to a great cause known as the Corvallis Parks and Recreation Family Assistance Program, which benefits low-income families? No? Well, you’ll be getting jack for the holidays, then. As for the rest of us, we’re going to head right on over to to check out the details. There will be a 5k, a 10k, and even a 1k dash paired with the abominably cute term “Little Gobblers.”
Friday, 28
Browntown and Radion, Bombs Away Café, 2527 NW Monroe Ave. 9:00 pm. Free
Corvalli’s own Browntown and Portland’s Radion are a perfect match as they both produce the kind of fun, dirty rock n’ roll that you just sometimes need to tap into those more inglorious bits of your humanity. Tell me that doesn’t sound like a perfect soundtrack for wobbling a bit as you try to take a leak in your favorite drink-serving establishment (Bombs, of course)?
A King Also & The Royal Court, Cloud & Kelly’s, 126 SW First St. 10:00 pm
They had me at “Awwwwww, yeaaaah,” the first phrase of their We Fly music video. To be honest, I hated that song, but the next handful showed them to be a well-oiled eclectic hiphop machine with the kind of live musical accompaniment that adds a dimension to what these folks are doing that isn’t easily accessible elsewhere. Corvallis is pretty dry in terms of hiphop, so it’s especially welcome when we get out-of-towners that are doing something different.
Saturday, 29
Honey Mountain Do-Do’s, Bombs Away Café, 2527 NW Monroe Ave. 10:00 pm $3
Eugene’s modern answer to the country jug band, this folk comedy act is just what the doctor ordered. Parlor guitars, banjolele’s, a hospital gown, silly hats and what I can only describe as a rolled up piece of cardboard with fake horn sounds being vocalized through it bop in and out of their hilarious September release “The Demonstration of Fun.”
Austin Farrell, Calapooia Brewing Company, 140 Hill St NE, Albany, 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Blending folk, acoustic and reggae in such an incredibly subtle and articulate way, Farrell is bound to please just about any folk fan, but also reach out to a great many others. He’s able to fill the space he’s in like a full band, which is arguably one of the reasons why folks like James Taylor and Bon Iver have been able to grab at their audience the way they have.
Sunday, 30
Majestic Readers Theatre: The Andersonville Trial, The Majestic Theatre, 115 Southwest 2nd St. 3pm & 7pm, Adults $10, Members/Seniors/Students $8
This time on Reader’s Theatre… or in it, or by it. Prepositions aside, Reader’s Theatre will be featuring an awesome Civil War era trial story this time around, recounting the 1865 case against one Henry Wirz, warden of Andersonville prison, as a result of his alleged wartime atrocities. Admittedly a fictionalization of the event, what were these atrocities anyway? You’ll have to show up to find out. Either that or have seen it before.
Monday, 1
Ralph Pugay, Fairbanks Gallery, 220 SW 26th St. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Ralph Pugay is a young, highly accomplished, and most importantly *great* artist. He received his master’s of fine arts from Portland State University and will be showing a selection of his acrylic works here in Corvallis. Sparing you the academic breakdown, Pugay plays with both absurd narratives as well as ambiguity wrapped up in the need for clarity. Basically, you’ll be entertained and enjoy the images even if you have absolutely no clue as to what they’re about. No fan of contemporary painting should miss this.
Tuesday, 2
Evolution Of The Mind, Dock 22, 151 Northwest Monroe Ave. 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm, Free
Though I’m sure you love to read my rambling, incoherent speeches designed to authorize your presence at a given performance, lets just skip that crap. Evolution Of The Mind describes themselves on Facebook as “intergalactic rock jam/early sixties rock/bluegrassy,” and I think that just about does it for this Corvallis-based two piece.
Small Work Works!, The Arts Center, 700 Southwest Madison Ave. 12pm – 5pm
13 of the best artists within arms reach coming together for a small works show that represents how they each operate within the constraints of 15”x15” spaces? Holy sh*t. Among the names are three of my own personal favorite locals: Andrew Meyers, Amanda Salov and Yuji Hiratsuka. Many different mediums will be present, from prints to ceramics to collages. If you’re into art, make art, have eaten a piece of art… this is a must-see Corvallis event, period.
Wednesday, 3
Studio262 Holiday Art Sale, Studio262, 425 Southwest Madison Ave. 11am – 6pm. Runs until Sat, Dec 20
Holiday art, how boring? Hell, I’m an artist and even I think so. However, you’ve never seen anything quite like this. The new, open sentiment towards art that Studio 262 has brought this town is echoed in this event, breaking from the traditional (while keeping a bit of it!). Stop in for a great selection of art, artistic gifts and, if you’re broke like me, a free look-see at some of the best work in Corvallis.
Thursday, 4
Casey Hurt, Cloud & Kelly’s, 126 SW First St. 10:00 pm, Free
When I first checked out Casey Hurt, I was met by a sort of silly third person bio that, regardless of truth, tried a little too hard to set him up to be seen as a guy with blues in his blood. This, of course, turned out to be pretty goddamn irrelevant (as most artist-statement-marketing-speech is), as his live videos are fantastic and his command over his guitar as a living, breathing organism is just about perfect. I haven’t enjoyed listen to a guy kick ass on a strat like that in some time. If you’re into blues rock, catch this LA bluesman before he’s come and gone.
Soap Creek Confluence, LaSells Stewart Center, 875 Southwest 26th St. Nov 4th – December 7th 8am – 5pm… Reception on the 11th 6:30-8:30pm
Eight of the Soap Creek Artisans come together to show works of pottery, glass, fabric, paper design, and photography. Those familiar with this group of artists know that their shows are full of the natural beauty, history and inspiration of the Soap Creek Valley that they reside in. Each of those involved creates unique works that merge with the others to create rich art events.
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