iPad School Debate Update: 42 Pages of Not So Fast

ipadsLocal Corvallis parent Josh Fryman has submitted a 42-page complaint detailing what he says are problems, and insufficient response to those problems, with the 1:World program (the program putting iPads in kids’ hands) at Corvallis public schools.

Among the many complaints Fryman levels at the school board is that not only have they not responded to many concerns in a timely manner (or at all), but that some of their responses have been misleading or factually incorrect.

Superintendent Dr. Erin Prince says she cannot respond to the substance of the complaint right now, as it is official policy not to comment during the complaint review process, but she did speak generally about it.

“Actually, [Fryman has] had direct conversations, multiple conversations, with our director of technology, face-to-face with the principal, with many of these issues, all the way back to fall. So there’ve been multiple opportunities for him, I think he’s just not satisfied with what answers he’s getting,” says Prince. She continues, “Can we do a better job of communicating? Always. We go at such a fast pace, and there’s 6,300 families, you could always say, ‘We can never communicate enough.’”

The complaint by Fryman raises many different concerns about the 1:World program, including fundamental questions about the assumptions made of the program’s efficacy in addition to concerns about its launch. The resolution of these concerns may play a role in the evolution of technology programs in Corvallis schools as well as the rest of the state.

To the view the complete complaint from Fryman, click here.

By Ygal Kaufman

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